Thursday, July 14, 2016

Episode 11: The Racist Police Support Group

So this is a touchy one. (For one thing, the title doesn't imply exactly what it sounds like.)

Why invite misinterpretation? Well, why not. Damned if you do or don't. Overall, the trouble seems to be that Americans feel one must support our police in the dangers they face on the job, or oppose the fact that people - routinely innocent and predominately black - are being shot in the streets by police.

It would be hard to think of a better example of a false dichotomy. That you're either against police or for shooting innocent people.

In the story here (maybe it's more of a "bit" than a story), I posit some enormously conscientious police officers, rubbing elbows with some highly racist ones. This seems accurate enough, to say we have both. --And then, hopefully before the whole thing gets too uncomfortable, we launch sideways into a loud advertisement for the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
